After I spent almost forty-one weeks being pregnant, we finally got to meet our little boy. There was a long labor, 27 hours for those keeping track, followed by a four and a half days of visiting the NICU. It was such a relief to finally get him home. I think that we spent a lot of that night just watching him, enjoying the fact that some monitor wasn't going to go off just because we held him wrong and it came unhooked (again!). It is strange to think that that was a month ago! Maybe it's just because my irregular sleep patterns have caused some of the days to run together, I have seen two a.m. come and go more times than I would like to, but it went by so fast!
Yesterday, our family came together for Hyrum blessing. It was so great to be able to see every one again. Soren commented on how long it had been since so many of our loved ones, from both sides of our family, were all together in one place. Even some of our family from Connecticut was able to make it! It's been a crazy month full of sleepless, frustrating nights and full, sometimes seemingly unproductive days, but it has been worth it. Here's to another crazy month! Hopefully this one has more nights of sleeping for six hour at night and fewer meetings with two a.m.! :D